11:00 AM
From SPT to S4 cluster catalogue and multi wavelength observations
Lindsey Bleem
(Argonne National Laboratory)
11:10 AM
From ACT to S4 clusters and ymaps
Will Coulton
(Flatiron Institute)
11:18 AM
Cluster finder and likelihoods
Inigo Zubeldia
(University of Cambridge)
11:23 AM
Baryon Pasting
Erwin Lau
11:33 AM
Projected-field kSZ
Aleksandra Kusiak
(Columbia University)
11:38 AM
kSZ velocity reconstruction
Matthew Johnson
(York University and Perimeter Institute)
11:46 AM
Clusters x LSS joint analyses and covariance
Chun-Hao To
(Ohio State University)
11:54 AM
Other topics in SZ science
Srinivasan Raghunathan
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Boris Bolliet
(University of Cambridge)