Apr 3 – 6, 2023
America/Los_Angeles timezone

3 April 2023 - 6 April 2023, 08:00-13:30 Pacific Time each day

The primary focus of this meeting is updating Project and Collaboration analyses, plans, and documentation to reflect the updated configuration resulting from the Analysis of Alternatives.  In addition, we will cover topics that cut across the Collaboration and the Project, and the entire meeting will consist of plenary sessions.

Please familiarize yourself with the meeting code of conduct and respect it in all venues.

Meeting session topics are described below:

Opening Session:  Welcome, logistical info, overview of meeting priorities, presentation from the Project Director.

Collaboration Updates:  Updates from Collaboration committees as per agenda.

Collaboration Values:  A workshop that defines and prioritizes shared collaboration values.

Instrument Status Updates:  An overview of the current instrument design resulting from the Analysis of Alternatives followed by updates from each of the major subsystems.

EPO Update: An update update from the Education and Public Outreach Committee including progress on the outreach starter kit and brainstorming ideas.

New Project Baseline Development: To fully capture the new CMB-S4 Baseline Design, and in preparation for upcoming reviews, we discuss status and next steps for Project Programmatic and Technical Documentation, including cost, schedule, risk, quality assurance, requirements, interfaces, and instrument configuration.

Simulations & Data Challenges: An update on the ongoing simulation and data challenge campaigns, with a particular focus on the delivery of Data Challenge 0 and the definition of Data Challenge 1.

Preliminary Baseline Design Report (PBDR) and Next Steps:  Update the collaboration on the status of the PDBR and sections that will be updated following the AoA.  Includes updates on the low ell BB forecasting effort, on-going data challenge, and the development of the new project baseline design in preparation for upcoming reviews.

Analysis of Alternatives Status and Plans:  Update the collaboration on the current status and goals of the Analysis of Alternatives. Outline the configurations for different distributions of hardware at the Chile and South Pole sites, their scientific reach, budgetary and infrastructure requirements.   Highlight aspects of the Analysis of Alternatives that need additional input from the collaboration. Describe the process and timeline that will lead to a conclusion for the AoA.

Science Book Second Edition Kickoff:  The science case for CMB-S4 has expanded and evolved since the First Edition of the CMB-S4 Science Book was completed in 2016.  The collaboration intends to release a Second Edition of the Science Book that will provide a more complete picture of the broad range of exciting science that CMB-S4 will deliver.  This session aims to provides an overview of some of the science topics that will be highlighted in the Second Edition of the Science Book, focusing in particular on topics that were not thoroughly covered in the First Edition.

Science Requirements Messaging:  A discussion of how we can most effectively frame our science goals and motivate our measurements as community priorities evolve.

Special Pre-Meeting Orientation for Junior Members:  The Junior Scientist Advancement Committee (JSAC) has organized a 1 hour pre-meeting orientation for junior scientists and new collaboration members.  Collaboration and project leadership will update on progress in the past year.  There will also be preview of events at the main collaboration meeting and an opportunity to ask questions.  The event will be held on Thursday March 30 at 1 pm ET/noon CT / 10 am PT, and all are welcome to attend.  

Registration for this event is currently open.