Junior Scientist Talks
- Darcy Barron (University of New Mexico)
Upcoming large angular scale CMB surveys aim at measuring the scalar-to-tensor ratio r, to determine the energy scale of inflation, and the optical depth to reionization tau. To measure these systematics and noise dominated signals, flexible likelihood approximation techniques are required. We present novel methods from likelihood approximations to likelihood-free inference techniques and...
In this talk, I will present the simulation status of the atmospheric effects for the LSPE/Strip telescope. In particular, I will emphasize how this technique can be easily applied at the other CMB ground-based experiments like QUBIC that will observe the CMB from the Atacama sky
Acoustic dampening of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum results from imperfect photon-baryon coupling in the pre-recombination plasma. At redshift 5 × 104 < z < 2 × 106 , the plasma has an effective chemical potential, and energy injections from acoustic dampening in this era create μ- type spectral distortions of the CMB. These μ-distortions trace the underlying photon...