Analysis of Alternatives 2
- Matthaeus Leitner (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Amy Bender
(Argonne National Laboratory; KICP),
Erik Nichols
(University of Chicago; Remote Science Services LLC),
Jeff McMahon
(University of Chicago;),
John Carlstrom
(University of Chicago;Argonne National Laboratory),
John Kovac
(Harvard University;Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian),
Nick Emerson
(University of Arizona),
Tom Crawford
(University of Chicago;KICP)
11/05/2022, 10:00
Outline of session with lead presenter indicated:
- Rationale for, and overview of, alternative South Pole configurations to analyse (John Carlstrom)
- Potential of low-ell measurements with the TMA design of the SPLAT:
- Review TMA justification (Jeff McMahon)
- New developments in mirror fabrication (Nick Emerson)
- Estimates for low-ell sensitivity with SPLAT (Tom...